我們是政府認可一站式的專業防水工程公司,秉成一貫安全施工, 高品質,高效率”的服務宗旨深得客戶之信賴, 順興防水工程公司擁有十多年豐富防水防漏經驗, 熟悉各種屋苑樓宇 (唐樓、居屋、公屋、私人屋苑、豪宅及別墅大宅)、學校、商場、酒店、酒樓食肆、廚房及工商業大廈的結構防漏經驗,我們專業承辦各類防水防漏工程絕不外判,公司團隊由多名經驗之師傅施工。我們防水師傅均為建造業議會的註冊資深全科防水技工, 我們總防水工程師陳勇先生擁有二十多年防水工程經驗及持有建造業議會防水大工牌. 所有漏水工程都具專業知識, 包勞工保險、第三者責任保險,客戶得到應有保障,並有專人跟進,提供專業意見,準時完工,保用期長 ,
– 天台地台防水施工工程
– 室外牆身漏水工程
– 室內牆身漏水工程
– 室內天花漏水工程
– 鋁窗漏水維修工程
– 升降機底防水工程
– 浴室防水工程
– 石屎剝落工程
– 天花剝落工程

1) 聯絡我們, 安排勘查時間
2) 現場實地勘查找出漏水原因
3) 決定施工方法,進行估價, 製作報價單及客戶確認委託施工
4) 支付訂金, 安排施工日期及時間
5) 完成防水工程, 客戶驗收, 客戶支付尾數及制定保養期

We are the government approved contractor with one-stop professional in waterproof work with over ten years experience. We have won the trust of customer over the years with the spirit of safety work, high quality and high efficiency principle of the service and we are also familiar with a variety of buildings housing estates (tenant buildings, Housing Ownership Scheme,public housing, private housing estates, luxury villas and mansions), schools, shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, kitchens, commercial and industrial building in their structure & waterproof work. Our company with expertise knowledge for contracting all kinds of waterproof works and never outsource to other contractor. Our company’s team consists of many experienced master carrying out the waterproof work and the team master are registered as experience Craftsman with full range of waterproof work in Construction Industry Council. Our Chief Waterproof Engineer Mr. Chan Yung possessing Over 20 years experience in the waterproof work and also possess the Craftsman License of Waterproof Work issued by the Construction Industry Council.
Our company with professional knowledge in all kinds of water leakage project and all projects covered with labour insurance, third party liability insurance to make sure that the customers are duly protected… Our company with personal follow-up, to provide professional advice, completed all project on time with long warranty period from two years of indoor waterproof work to five years of outdoor waterproof work, some projects can be up to ten years of the warranty period with the absolute protection of the interests of the guests.
